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A paperboard that is engineered with a unique integrated, non-polymer barrier, especially designed & refined to package food & drink.


Delipac has outstanding moisture, liquid, grease & oil resistance and its structure include properties that render it entirely waste-free because it is independently proven to be fully recyclable, compostable and biodegradable - meaning that at the end of its packaging life, it is independently proven to be capable of achieving at least 98% fibre recovery immediately - and also capable of 100% ambient aerobic disintegration in a matter of weeks.


Provides FMCG companies, packaging manufacturers, retailers and consumers a genuine, commercial & scalable sustainable packaging option without compromising on the quality and freshness of the packaged product and is completely food safe.


Delipac's Credentials:

ISO Institute certifications & qualifications.

We  invest - so you can rest.

Credibility - by - compliance: 


PEFC: Global Forestry Sustainability Chain of Custody.

EUTR: European Timber Regulations, 2013.

V. Legal Licensing: FLEGT compliant (Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade). Licencing procedures complete.

EU Single Use Plastic Regulation 2019/904  2050/2151 compliant - does not contain plastic. polymer ot polymeric substances

FLUSTIX:  Plastic Free Trustmark - Compliant to European Union Single Use Plastic Regulations  2019/904 + 2020/2151

ISEGA: EN10/2011 compliant - no migration.

ISEGA: NFT551-800-2015 / BS EN 13432:2000-12 Home Compost - Natural compostability compostable disintegration rate of 100%

(within 22 weeks - aerobic qualitative disintegration test in compost at ambient 28'C).

ISEGA: BS EN 13432 Industrial compostable disintegration rate of 100% (within 12 weeks at 58'C).

ABA Home Compost (Australia/NZ) ABA  AS 5810 + AS 4736) aerobic quantitative disintegration (22 weeks ambient 28’C)

(Also pending to be future compliant with BPI (North America) - ASTM D5338 + D6400 + D6868).

Cyclos HTP: EN 13430 recyclability & re-pulpability (in 100% concentration) in all usual conventional waste streams.

ISEGA: Euro Standard: EC 1935/2004 bfr 36 Food contact compliance.  

ISEGA: Euro Standard  EC 1230-1-2 Taint and odour compliance.

FDA: Regulation 21 CFR Part 176 .170 Global food safety regulation conformation.

EU REACH: (Registration, Evaluation, Authorisation & Restriction of Chemicals).

EU REACH Regulation EN 1907/2006 Article 33 + ECHA Directive 2008/98/EC  (SVHC) - N.D. (Not detected)

PFAS compliant with:  EN/TS 15968 - Fluorocarbons PFOA, PFOH  migrational analysis - N.D. (Not detected)

PFAS compliant with: Toxics in Packaging Clearinghouse Model Legislation (US TPCH) - PFAS Compliance

PFAS US TPCH: The re-defined EU 2023 compliance covering 62 tested regulatory elements - ND (Not detected)

PFAS - recognised by FIDRA - Fidra uses scientific evidence and research best practice to achieve positive environmental change.

SOP 162.200:  Organic fluorine content within the fibre structure & surfaces – Result ND - non quantifiable (<20mg/kg)

RoHS: EU 94/62/EEC and TPCH (formerly CONEG): clear of toxicity from Heavy Metal,  Polybrominated - ND (Not detected)

Bfr 36:  Extractable Aluminium content (mg/I <0.1) ND  (No detection).

EN Euro Standard EN 1186/4: MPPO DIN EN 14338-2003 Compliant to microwave applications negative migration.

EN Euro standard  1186/5/13/15  E13130: Complaint to ovenable applications (conventional ovens max 220`C). negative migration

BS Euro Standard 3177: Water vapour permeability, (8/9gsm per 24hours MVTR).

Grease barrier: KIT 12.

Campden BRI: Ice cream. Flash freezing/extended freezing.

Decree Ministerial Italian standard: (`Italian Ministerial Decree 25-3-1986`) [Italian Law `19-7-1957 No.679` art 16 & 18  Food compliance].

ISO: 22000: Food safety hazard avoidance

ISO 9001 & 14001: Quality assurance.

ISO 50001 ENMS  Energy management.

Life Cycle Assessment Verification Environmental Management 2024 ISO 14040 (2006) ISO 14044 (2006) ISO/TS 14071 (2014).

Carbon balanced: (World Land Trust).


Click to download these compliance qualifications

Delipac paperboard is like regular paper & cardboard;

Click to download the chart to see exactly how.

Features and capabilities:

Heat-sealability (efficient low level circa 120` - 180`C).

Ultrasonic & thermo sealability.

Low mvtr (moisture [water] vapour transfer rate).

Food safe - free of known harmful chemicals (SVHC).

Resistant to chemicals from ink migration & heating.

Suitable for direct food & liquid contact.

Suitable for chiller applications.

Suitable for freezing applications.

Suitable for oven applications.

Suitable for microwave applications.

Receptive super-smooth print surface.

Like nothing before.

Email us at to receive product technical data specifications.

Email us at to receive Delipac declaration of conformity in alignment to regulatory criteria.


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